This FACEBOOK LiVE Program, presented by Pete Pritchard, DHS board member and director of the Delhi Fire Museum, takes al look at the interesting and sometimes whimisical names for Delhi Township streets.
There are 323 streets in the township.... Some named for the landowner who the property was purchased from or from the developers family members. It's quite interesting that some street names are a combination of two family members' names such as Betlin Ct. which is Betty and Linda as an example. Morrvue Dr. is named after longtime Delhi leader Fred Morr. Palisades Dr. was named by the Greater Cinti. Home Builders Assn for the Homerama show for 1968.
Main county-owned street names tell their own interesting stories and how these roads traverse many local communities.
Join us live on Facebook at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 12.