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One Witterstaetter greenhouse remains. It was first built nearly 90 years ago. The all-wood, all-glass Witterstaetter greenhouse is the physical embodiment of Delhi's floriculture heritage. It is now owned and operated by the Delhi Historical Society.

Like many families in Delhi Township, the Witterstaetters were florists for multiple generations. Other Delhi families that operated greenhouses were: Broxterman, Evers & Elfner, Koester, Krueger, Maddux, Murphy, Rutenschroer, Sehlhorst, Seitz, and more. The families forged a community spirit that lives on today in Cincinnati's West Side.

The Allied Florists Association was led by prominent florists of Delhi Township. This inaugural meeting was held in 1922.

Growing and selling flowers has been an important part of Delhi's economy and development for more than a century. This earned Delhi Township the nickname, "The Floral Paradise of Ohio." By the mid-20th century there were more than 50 greenhouse operations in Delhi. Now, there are only four: Friedhoff Florist & Greenhouses, Robben Florist & Garden Center, Tropical Foliage (Lutz family), and West Hills Greenhouses (Feist family). The floriculture & greenhouse history of Delhi Township must be preserved.

Working on a Witterstaetter greenhouse.

With your help, the Witterstaetter greenhouse will serve as a museum and education center for future generations.

The Greenhouse Mission was created to rehab and restore this historic structure. Made of cypress wood (which resists weather) and glass, the Delhi Historical Society's greenhouse is typical of those that were built throughout the region from the 19th century to the post-World War II era. A full restoration by a reputable contractor specializing in the work will cost $133,000. Our goal is to have the renovation completed by the Spring of 2026. That year will be of the Delhi Historical Society's 50th anniversary and our nation's 250th year.

The Greenhouse Mission fund is already growing. "Seed money," from the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission has budgeted $50,000 toward the Mission, if we can raise a matching amount. You can help the fund grow by donating now, to help us reach the remaining $83,000 needed.  The fund is solidly rooted in another grants and commitments already totaling $12,000. Any funds exceeding the goal will be invested in a fund dedicated to the care and management of the greenhouse.

 All donors will receive a letter certifying the part they played in renewing the Charles Witterstaetter greenhouse.

Donors of $100 or more will be recognized in our newsletter.

Names of donors of $1,000 or more will appear on a special plaque in our greenhouse. Names of special donors whose commitment is $5,000 or more, will also appear on a special Greenhouse Mission plaque in the Visitors Center of our Farmhouse Museum.

Make checks out to the Delhi Historical Society, with the memo line saying Greenhouse Mission. Our address is 468 Anderson Ferry Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45238.

Donate on our website. Click on the SUPPORT button at the top of this page, fill in blocks 1, 2, and 3. In block 4, labeled, MEMORIAL or HONORARIUM, enter the words GREENHOUSE MISSION.

Those wishing to make contributions through annual installments may contact us at Or you may telephone us at 513-451-4313. We will follow-up with you to complete the process.

To learn more about Delhi’s greenhouse heritage view the award winning video, “Under Glass” on our Delhi Township History YouTube channel: